
Tilapia fish (Oreochromis mossambicus) is a freshwater fish that is consumed by many people. The purpose of this study was to determine the Analysis of Kidney Microanatomy of tilapia fish (Oreochromis mossambicus) contaminated by Lead Metal (Pb) in Lake Tempe, Wajo Regency. The samples used were twenty-one tilapia fish with seven kidney samples in each station. Measurement of heavy metal content was carried out with Atomic Absorption. Kidney preparations were fixed using 10% neutral buffered formalin (NBF), dehydration using multilevel alcohol, embedding using paraffin, cutting with a thickness of 4 µm stained using haematoxillin eosin then observed. Data analysis used is qualitative descriptive. Based on the results of observations obtained by damage or histopathology that occurs in the kidneys which shows the presence of necrosis, inflammatory cell infiltration, edema, fatty degeneration hemorrhage and melanomacrophages and the level of damage to the tissue depends on the concentration of metal contaminated in the fish organs. Damages that occur allegedly due to exposure of heavy metals that are dissolved in the waters of the fish ecosystem that has passed the threshold.

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