
Unresolved inflammation compromises diabetic wound healing. Recently, we reported that inadequate RNA packaging in murine wound-edge keratinocyte-originated exosomes (Exoκ) leads to persistent inflammation [Zhou, X. ACS Nano 2020, 14(10), 12732-12748]. Herein, we use charge detection mass spectrometry (CDMS) to analyze intact Exoκ isolated from a 5 day old wound-edge tissue of diabetic mice and a heterozygous nondiabetic littermate control group. In CDMS, the charge (z) and mass-to-charge ratio (m/z) of individual exosome particles are measured simultaneously, enabling the direct analysis of masses in the 1-200 MDa range anticipated for exosomes. These measurements reveal a broad mass range for Exoκ from ∼10 to >100 MDa. The m and z values for these exosomes appear to fall into families (subpopulations); a statistical modeling analysis partially resolves ∼10-20 Exoκ subpopulations. Complementary proteomics, immunofluorescence, and electron microscopy studies support the CDMS results that Exoκ from diabetic and nondiabetic mice vary substantially. Subpopulations having high z (>650) and high m (>44 MDa) are more abundant in nondiabetic animals. We propose that these high m and z particles may arise from differences in cargo packaging. The veracity of this idea is discussed in light of other recent CDMS results involving genome packaging in vaccines, as well as exosome imaging experiments. Characterization of intact exosome particles based on the physical properties of m and z provides a new means of investigating wound healing and suggests that CDMS may be useful for other pathologies.

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