
Every household has conflicts, such as non-transparency between husband and wife regarding household income and expenses, which can cause disputes and even divorce. It happened in Divorce Case No.1905/Pdt.G/2018/PA.Smg, where the applicant used the excuse that his wife was not open to managing finances, then the request was granted by the Semarang City Religious Court. Therefore the author is interested in researching the Analysis of Judge Considerations in terms of Not Transparency in Managing Family Finances as the Reason for Divorce in Decisions (No.1905/Pdt.G/2018/PA.Smg). This research uses normative research or library research with decision analysis. The data source was obtained using the Library Method technique by collecting data in the form of written data sources. This research includes qualitative research. Data analysis using analytical descriptive data analysis techniques. The results of the research showed that the authors found that the attitude of a wife who is not transparent in managing finances is irresponsible in maintaining household harmony and not carrying out her obligations as a wife as stated in Article 34 of Law no. 1 of 1974 concerning the obligations of husband and wife, and is also an attitude that is contrary to the principles of marriage. The results of the study regarding the judge’s considerations in granting a divorce, because the wife’s attitude is not transparent in managing finances, is that the judge focuses more on attracting benefits and eliminating harm in the family where disputes constantly occur, triggered by the wife’s non-transparency in managing family finances.

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