
The article offers an algorithm for evaluating the relationship between demographic and economic parameters of rural development, which assumes the classification and paired comparisons of regions based on the studied characteristics. The demographic matrix represents a multi level grouping of rural territories in Russia based on three subordinated characteristics: natural reproduction, internal migration, demographic burden. For a matrix grouping of regions by the level of economic well-being of rural territories, an integral index is proposed, structured according to indicators of employment, rural income and budgets of rural settlements. According to demographic characteristics, rural territories are divided into four typological groups – well-off, relatively well – off, not well-off, and depressive regions-whose superimposition on the matrix of economic development of territories showed the existence of an incomplete correlation of the studied parameters. The most significant relationship was found for the third and fourth quartiles of the matrices, which indicates a fairly significant relationship between the unfavorable demographic situation in the region and ego-economic problems. At the same time, the presence of distorting factors requires the addition of a cluster approach to formal assessments, in which it is possible to take into account the individual characteristics of each territory.

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