
Studying abroad becomes more popular with very single year. However, quite often people, while following the perfect image of studying overseas, totally forget about the unexpected challenges they might face abroad, that can make a tremendous impact on their experience. That is why, it is extremely important to consider all the factors that can influence students’ physical, emotional, and mental well-being duringtheir studies overseas.The main research method that is used for this paper is autoethnography which is a qualitative research approach that an author uses for writing about his or her own experience in a specific cultural context. Using autoethnography as the lens, a comparison of an author’s experience as an exchange student in Fayetteville State University and as an intern at the University of Saskatchewan, Canada is provided. Quite often autoethnography is not perceived as a scientific method because of its subjectivity − a researcher makes conclusions based on personal perception. That is why one of the ways that researchers use to make their work more credible is ratio of own text with data that was received by other research. For this reason, a literature review and statistics are used to provide context to the topic of international education. Through the use of autoethnography supported by a literature review, this research paper will define the key aspects that international students should pay attention to while choosing a place to study abroad,including differences in living conditions and education in Canada and USA. With the help of a Likert scale, the author grades different factors that make an impact on students’ experience abroad, and, thus, defines the best destination for studying overseas.According to an analysis that was provided in the paper, the research highlights the strengths and limitations of different post-secondary institutions in three countries and demonstrates the breadth of experiences that are part of studying in various venues locally, nationally and internationally.


  • After evaluating all the aspects and considering their importance factor, it was proved that education in Saskatoon, Canada is more beneficial for the experience of international students, than it is in Fayetteville, USA or Odessa, Ukraine: Saskatoon: 10·0,2+9·0,3+8·0,1+ + 8·0,2+8·0,2 = 8,7

  • In order to make conclusions regarding the place that is more beneficial for international students’ experience, there is a need to find an average number for both aspects through using an importance factor (Table 3)

  • That living conditions in Odessa, Ukraine can bring the best experience for international students, because of the low grade on the education aspect, an overall impression that students will form is not going to be as positive as at the University of Saskatchewan in Canada or at Fayetteville State University in the USA

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Дотримуючись ідеального образу навчання за кордоном, повністю забувають про несподівані виклики, з якими вони можуть зіткнутися за кордоном і які можуть зробити величезний вплив на їхній досвід. Основна мета цього дослідження – надання інформації про аспекти, які повинні враховувати студенти під час поїздки на навчання до іншої країни. Який використовується для даної роботи, є автоетнографія – якісний дослідницький підхід, який автор використовує для опису свого власного досвіду в конкретному культурному контексті. Огляд літератури та статистика використовуються, щоб забезпечити більш детальний контекст на тему міжнародної освіти. Відповідно до аналізу, який був наданий у статті, дослідження висвітлює сильні сторони та обмеження різних закладів вищої освіти у трьох країнах та демонструє широту досвіду, який є частиною навчання в різних місцях на місцевому, національному та міжнародному рівнях. Ключові слова: автоетнографія, університет, студенти, освіта, досвід

Grade Fayetteville
Living conditions Education Total
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