
The progress of technology and its applications always has various implications, both for the order of social life, the development of the business world, and the advancement of moral, ethical, and legal values. The following will provide an overview of some technologies considered capable of transforming life globally in all its dimensions. Through multimedia technology, telecommunications have become highly advanced, encompassing basic telecommunications and including other value-added technologies. The widespread penetration of the internet, if not used wisely, can give rise to cybercrimes, a term used to refer to crimes committed in the virtual world or cyberspace. Cybercrime is considered a more advanced development of computer crime. Crimes in the field of information technology are relatively new compared to conventional forms of crime. Information technology crimes emerged concurrently with the advent of the information technology revolution. Additionally, it is characterized by social interactions that minimize physical presence, marking another feature of the information technology revolution. Law enforcement's efforts to counter cybercrime are heavily affected by existing legislation; several laws related to information technology, especially crimes associated with the internet, are regulated under national regulations.

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