
This study aims to analyze the institutional arrangement of the Government of the Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY). DIY as one of the autonomous regions certainly has institutional features. Institution becomes the main foundation in carrying out regional development. Institutional harmonization becomes a very important factor for regional apparatus organizations in providing public services. This research uses descriptive qualitative and explorative research methods. The results of this study that the institutional arrangement of the DIY Government accommodates 3 (three) institutional components, namely potential capacity, carrying capacity, and absorptive capacity. The DIY local government institution at the same time put forward the realization of asymmetric decentralization, the regional government of DIY taking into account the form and composition of the original government shown by the existence of Parampara Praja and Paninradya Kaistimewan. The special features of the DIY local government have positive implications in maintaining the spirit of local wisdom held by the Kingdom of Yogyakarta.

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