
The concept of community development or the development of local communities (local community development) emerged as a reaction to national development-oriented power. On the other hand the implementation of various development programs using an equal approach to embed an institutional blueprint. This situation is a process called institutional monocropping for a variety of different local conditions. This study aims to explain the facts of a case study of institutional change in BKAD as an organization implementing empowerment in Kecamatan Wajak Kabupaten Malang. This study used a qualitative approach with a phenomenological method of research is organizational locus BKAD Kanjuruhan in Kabupaten Malang, East Java Province. The results of this research in theoretical and empirical perspectives show that: (1). The results of the institutional changes during the independence period of BKAD Kanjuruhan an efficient institutional administrators deemed of interest. The institutional sustainability is a realization of the meaning of empowerment by the board as increasing the capacity of individuals in the organization and the management capacity in the capital aspect BKAD (2). BKAD board involvement to manage activities on other empowerment programs is increasing recognition of individual capacity management, (3). Availability SHU (of net income) BKAD Kanjuruhan every year with ever increasing numbers indicate increasing BKAD capacity to manage capital. But in the context of the objectives of empowerment as a process of power distribution from one party to another party who does not have the power to realize, and (4). Strength in the form of funds deposited into the organization to be distributed back to that do not have it distributed to those who already have power, while also strengthening the capacity of individual reinforcement only be experienced by the group administrator.

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