
Anchors are widely used in foundation systems for structures requiring uplift resistance. As demonstrated by numerous theoretical and experimental studies on the subject, uncertainty remains as to both the theoretical uplift capacity of anchors in idealised soils and the suitability of the various modelling assumptions in capturing the responses observed during tests. This study, which deals exclusively with the theoretical uplift capacity, presents newly obtained predictions of uplift capacities and the corresponding collapse mechanisms for inclined strip anchors in sand. The analysis is based on the upper bound (kinematic) method of limit analysis and the so-called block set mechanism, in which a collapse mechanism consisting of sliding rigid blocks is optimised with respect to interior angles and edges of the blocks. It is demonstrated that the method provides lower (better) estimates of uplift capacity in some cases compared to previous upper bound calculations. Also, variations in the predicted collapse mechanism with changes in embedment and inclination are assessed in detail.

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