
In the search for solutions on the efficient use of natural resources, much has been discussed about the importance of effective public policies, as a way to minimize problems with the scarcity of natural resources, and how to achieve the desired sustainability through the implementation and exploitation of natural resources. renewable energy sources generated by the expansion of energy supply, one of which being natural resources is Biomass. In this context, biomass emerges as a great potential to solve, or at least mitigate the effects of using petroleum-based energy sources, contributing to the reduction of greenhouse gases (GHG), the implementation of public incentive policies. The use of renewable sources has become a more than current theme in the various rounds of debates on the improvement of climatic conditions in Brazil and in the world. The objective of the research was to identify the incentive policies adopted by the Brazilian government that made possible the advances and contributions generated by the use of Biomass as a renewable energy source within the national territory. The adopted method considered the aspects of a descriptive, exploratory study, with a qualitative approach based on a survey of the theoretical framework, which was used as material, books and original articles based on electronically available databases, to review the literature. available literature. The results of this study show that several benefits have been found through the use of renewable energy sources such as biomass, but this energy source is still not widespread in the country, where this is attributed to the scarcity of public incentive policy that in its great Most address the use of renewable energy as a whole, specifying the use of biomass without differentiation.

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