
Severe allergic reactions to certain types of meat following tick bites have been reported in geographic regions which are endemic with ticks. This immune response is directed to a carbohydrate antigen (galactose-α-1,3-galactose or α-Gal), which is present in glycoproteins of mammalian meats. At the moment, asparagine-linked complex carbohydrates (N-glycans) with α-Gal motifs in meat glycoproteins and in which cell types or tissue morphologies these α-Gal moieties are present in mammalian meats are still unclear. In this study, we analyzed α-Gal-containing N-glycans in beef, mutton, and pork tenderloin and provided for the first time the spatial distribution of these types of N-glycans in various meat samples. Terminal α-Gal-modified N-glycans were found to be highly abundant in all analyzed samples (55, 45, and 36% of N-glycome in beef, mutton, and pork, respectively). Visualizations of the N-glycans with α-Gal modification revealed that this motif was mainly present in the fibroconnective tissue. To conclude, this study contributes to a better understanding of the glycosylation biology of meat samples and provides guidance for processed meat products, in which only meat fibers are required as an ingredient (i.e., sausages or canned meat).

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