
The purpose of the study was to analyze the implementation of immunization program management in an effort to achieve UCI at the Bebesen Health Center, Central Aceh Regency. This research uses descriptive qualitative method. The research location is Bebesen Public Health Center, Central Aceh Regency. Sources of data used consisted of primary data, secondary data and tertiary data. Data collection techniques in the form of observation, in-depth interviews with 10 informants and documentation. Data analysis techniques are carried out through data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. To analyze the availability of resources for the implementation of the immunization program at the Bebesen Health Center, Central Aceh Regency, the researchers used management theory including input, process and output consisting of the availability of officers, sources of funds and facilities and infrastructure. The implementation of the immunization program consists of planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation. The output can be seen in the UCI coverage at the Bebesen Health Center. It has not yet reached the target where the achievement is still 71.4%. The conclusion of this study is that the staff's resources have met the qualification standards, namely having a medical or nursing educational background and having STR with a minimum education of DIII in the field of Health, as well as sufficient funds, facilities and infrastructure. The evaluation has been carried out and it is necessary to increase cross-sectoral collaboration.

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