
Simple SummaryWhen we think of social insects, we mostly neglect males and their biology. Honeybee males or drones are an example. Like queens, drones are founders of the colony, but unlike queens and workers, their activity is not well-known. Drones exit the hive to mate as their only goal, in spite of the high chances of getting lost, being preyed upon and starving; and only if they are lucky, they will die when mating. These nuptial flights take place in Drone Congregation Areas during spring and summer, and we know that their exit time is in the afternoons. Although, drone activity at other hours of the day has not been studied. Using three methods (direct observation, video records and microchip tagging) we evaluated drone activity during the whole day in Northwest Argentina. We detected 24 h of activity for the first time. Surprisingly, several drones were active at dawn, morning, and late morning. Most of them were active in the afternoon, as previously reported. The activity at dawn and during the morning could be a normal pattern in drones around the world, or it could be a result of abnormal factors, such as environmental variables altering their biological clocks.Males in Hymenopteran societies are understudied in many aspects and it is assumed that they only have a reproductive function. We studied the time budget of male honey bees, drones, using multiple methods. Changes in the activities of animals provide important information on biological clocks and their health. Yet, in nature, these changes are subtle and often unobservable without the development and use of modern technology. During the spring and summer mating season, drones emerge from the hive, perform orientation flights, and search for drone congregation areas for mating. This search may lead drones to return to their colony, drift to other colonies (vectoring diseases and parasites), or simply get lost to predation. In a low percentage of cases, the search is successful, and drones mate and die. Our objective was to describe the activity of Apis mellifera drones during the mating season in Northwestern Argentina using three methods: direct observation, video recording, and radio frequency identification (RFID). The use of RFID tagging allows the tracking of a bee for 24 h but does not reveal the detailed activity of drones. We quantified the average number of drones’ departure and arrival flights and the time outside the hive. All three methods confirmed that drones were mostly active in the afternoon. We found no differences in results between those obtained by direct observation and by video recording. RFID technology enabled us to discover previously unknown drone behavior such as activity at dawn and during the morning. We also discovered that drones may stay inside the hive for many days, even after initiation of search flights (up to four days). Likewise, we observed drones to leave the hive for several days to return later (up to three days). The three methods were complementary and should be considered for the study of bee drone activity, which may be associated with the diverse factors influencing hive health.


  • Males of all Hymenoptera—bees, wasps, and ants—are haploid and outbreeding [1]

  • The objective of this study was to describe the activity of A. mellifera ligustica drones during the mating season in Northwestern Argentina using three different and complementary methods: direct observations, video recordings, and radio frequency identification (RFID) technology

  • We found no significant differences between the observations made directly in the hive and those made by video recording (MWW, U = 15.5; p = 0.059)

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In social Hymenoptera, they are considered more as a burden to the colony because they must be fed and assisted, their name “drone” meaning parasite [2]. In Apis mellifera, the mating season occurs during the spring and summer. Males exit from the hive, perform orientation flights, and search for drone congregation areas (DCAs) to try to mate. Drones have a low probability of success due to competition with hundreds of males from other colonies [3]. This “suicidal” search leads to critical outcomes: getting lost, predation, starvation, desiccation and, if lucky, mating, and death. We ask what makes drones go out to search for DCAs, what external or internal signals exist if any

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