
Background: Adolescents tend to want to try things they have never experienced, and the main contributing factor is curiosity and doing what adults, do including sexuality. Aims: The aim of this study was to analyze the transmission prevention program of HIV and Syphilis for adolescents in North Sumatra. Methods: Using an analytical survey approach with a cross-sectional design by taking 729 people as a sample from the total adolescent population of around 19.4% quota sampling, research instrument using questionnaires adopted from The Prospero Network and made through an online platform, then the results were transferred into a statistics-based application for descriptive data analysis, bivariate and multilevel test. Results: Showing >50% of respondents conducted HIV and Syphilis testing through the laboratory quickly and free of charge and reactive confirmatory tests on both cases through health facilities, multilevel statistical tests result known to models 1 and 2, namely, the availability of syphilis screening referrals have a risk of 1-17 times higher the implementation of HIV and Syphilis programs for adolescents. Conclusion: Everything is interrelated with the implementation of HIV and Syphilis transmission prevention programs in adolescents. However, the government and community must work together to consistently implement this program properly. Keywords: Adolescents, Health Program, HIV, Syphilis

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