
We calculated the effective statistical weight of Rydberg orbitals of dopant Ar ions in dense hydrogen plasmas. Energy levels are shifted due to the effect of screened potential and the Stark effect. The electric microfield distribution is evaluated by using the adjustable-parameter exponential (APEX) approximation. The statistical weight of high-lying orbitals is strongly influenced by surrounding charged particles. In order to estimate contribution of higher order satellite lines, the probability for existence of highly excited states is found to be very important. The emission lines of H-like and He-like Ar ions are enhanced by the unresolved satellite lines from the states with a spectator electron with principal quantum number n=4–6 for ion densities higher than 10 23 cm −3 and electron temperature in the range of 0.5–1.0 keV , and the results of present calculations are compared with More's empirical formula, and it is found that the effective statistical weight of Rydberg orbitals remains higher than that predicted by More's formula.

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