
On the basis of theoretical developments of recent years it was established that there is a certain dependence between soil density and productivity of agricultural crops and that for different biological groups of plants there is a certain value of soil, under which the best conditions for their growth and development are created. In this connection it was recommended to pay special attention to identification of relation between soil density and its water-air, biological and nutritive regimes. Results of researches showed that the best water-physical parameters, good biological and nutritious regime in typical sierozem and meadow non-saline medium-loamy soils is at volume weight equal to 1.1-1.34 g/cm3, and for light sierozem medium-loamy, medium saline - 1.2-1.4 g/cm3, etc. In order to create and maintain optimum compaction of arable soil during long period of vegetation it is necessary to change technology of ridge cultivation of cotton. The change consists in making ridging in spring and sowing cotton seeds on them without early spring and pre-sowing tillage. With sowing of seeds by seeders, drip irrigation hose is laid immediately on the ridge and after sowing, soaking water is supplied to the seeds. In article results of researches on development of cotton cultivation technology on a ridge with addressed and uniform moistening of root system of plants are given.

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