
Writing is one of the most important medium for communication which can represent in one of the easiest ways like symbols and sign. Handwriting is one of the most complex activities in human motions which results in major disorders. Handwriting disorder is one of the major problems in humans and hence it should be rectified before leading into major disorders like dyspraxia, dysgraphia and others. This work is a step to identify the writing disorder in early stage by using EMG sensor. It consists of EMG -sensor which measures the muscle potential from two important muscles extensor digitorum and flexor carpi radialis. The electrodes are placed in such a way that it pick up the muscle potential. The extensor digitorum helps in movements of the elbow and wrist where we obtain minimum potential compared to flexor carpi radialis which is just the flexor of the wrist only. So extensor digitorum is the most prominent muscle where we obtain maximum potential because it extents the metacarpophalangeal joint. The prototype is tested against people of two aged groups, one with people aged above 50 years and the other with adult age between 16-30 years including both the genders. They are allowed to write in their own speed of three types slow, normal, fast, of standard sentence at one stretch to obtain better muscle potential without any deviation. The acquired muscle potential shows good results about muscle potential with respect to age while writing. This prototype can be extended to the early diagnosis of handwriting disorder which helps to rectify the neurogenerative disorder before leading into severe complications.

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