
In the province of León, a network of 250 hailpads has been installed in an area of 1000 km 2. After the individual calibration of every plate, the dents are measured by a manual method which stores data in files that can be analyzed by computer. Once the hailstones are classified according to their size, difficulties may arise when fitting linearly this distribution to a function of the type log N = log N 0- β x, where N is the number of hailstones in the size class x. A discussion is presented on the universal validity of parameters N 0 and β, on the problem of empty classes (to which it is impossible to apply logarithms), and on the discrimination of the smallest hail classes when making such a fitting. In conclusion, statistical methods are proposed for fitting the exponential or gamma distribution. The latter of these distributions assumes the former as a particular case and offers a better fit to the experimental data.

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