
Relevance. In most cases, modern dentistry can successfully treat gingival recessions, thus achieving both aesthetic and functional goals. Conservative, surgical, orthodontic, instrumental, injection procedures and methods, which help adequately manage the position of the gingival margin according to the cementum-enamel junction and keep the smile beautiful and healthy, primarily preserve teeth. Meanwhile, timely identification of risk factors associated with gingival recession is no less of a priority in the individualized preventive approach to supporting patients at the dentist appointment.Materials and methods. The research was conducted at the Department of Operative Dentistry and Introduction to Dental Diseases of the Ural State Medical University and the Department of Control Systems Modeling of the Ural Federal University in Yekaterinburg. The study examined 60 young adults: 20 men (33.3%) and 40 women (66.7%) who presented to the dentist. The patients were allocated into two groups according to their age. Each group consisted of 30 patients: the first group contained 20 to 24-year -olds and the second group comprised 35 to 44-year -old patients.Results. The analysis of gingival recession risk factors revealed aggressive tooth brushing in 19% subjects of the first group (р ≥ 0.05), poor oral hygiene in 17% cases (vs 19% in the second group (р ≥ 0,05); overhanging restorations – 12% cases (р ≥ 0.05); thin gingival biotype –14% (р ≥ 0,05).Conclusion. Effective customized control of gingival recession risk factors primarily allows normalizing oral hygiene, timely arresting inflammation in the marginal and papillary gingiva, eliminating trauma from tooth brushing and interdental cleaning devices, as well it provides an interdisciplinary approach to patient management at the dental appointment.


  • Timely identification of risk factors associated with gingival recession is no less of a priority in the individualized preventive approach to supporting patients at the dentist appointment

  • The research was conducted at the Department of Operative Dentistry and Introduction to Dental Diseases of the Ural State Medical University and the Department of Control Systems Modeling of the Ural Federal University in Yekaterinburg

  • Effective customized control of gingival recession risk factors primarily allows normalizing oral hygiene, timely arresting inflammation in the marginal and papillary gingiva, eliminating trauma from tooth brushing and interdental cleaning devices, as well it provides an interdisciplinary approach to patient management at the dental appointment

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АКТУАЛЬНОСТЬ Рецессия десны (РД) является распространенным заболеванием и может возникнуть в любом возрасте, однако у пожилых встречается чаще – в 60–100% случаев [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23]. Анализ факторов риска рецессии десны показал, что агрессивная техника чистки зубов отмечена в первой группе в 19% случаев (р ≥ 0,05). Низкий уровень гигиены полости рта отмечен в 17% случаев (против 19% во второй группе; р ≥ 0,05); нависающие края пломб – в 12% случаев (р ≥ 0,05); тонкий биотип слизистой – в 14% (р ≥ 0,05).

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