
Gender discrimination is a long-lasting social problem in China and it is reflected in various ways. Currently in China, there are existing laws and policies to guarantee womens rights in workplace through different approaches, such as the establishment of maternity leave, maternity subsidy and special care for women employees. However, these political actions are not sufficient to eradicate the underlying gender discrimination. On the surface, they seem to reduce the financial burden of women employees. However, the burden does not disappear, but instead are transferred to the employers. Enterprises have to spend extra expenditures to cover the financial loss during women employees whole maternity process, which exacerbates the discrimination. These laws and policies for women, such as the maternity leave, incur extra expenditures, even financial loss, on the part of employers, which exacerbates gender discrimination, as hiring a woman employee becomes a financially unwise decision. According to existing surveys, some women employees face a shrink in salary or demotion after maternity. Others are even rejected during the interview stage because of their gender, which indicates future maternity. Therefore, to address the issue from the root, it is suggested that the government should cover more expenditure of the enterprises involved in compensating for maternity leaves of female employees. With a financial relief, enterprises would be less likely to continue their gender discrimination.

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