
This paper presents a method of fusion of identification (attribute) information provided by two types of sensors: combined primary and secondary (IFF) surveillance radars and ESM (Electronic Support Measures). In the first section is adopted the basic taxonomy of attribute identification in accordance with the standards of STANAG 1241 ed. 5 and STANAG 1241 ed. 6 (draft). These standards provide the following basic values of the attribute identifications: FRIEND, HOSTILE, NEUTRAL, UNKNOWN and additional values: ASSUMED FRIEND and SUSPECT. The last values can be interpreted as a conjunction of basic valus. The basis of theoretical considerations is the Dezert-Smarandache theory of inference. The following combining rules are presented: the classical and hybrid Dezert-Smarandache rules and the Proportional Conflict Redistribution #5 (PCR5).The basic belief assignment for primary and secondary radars has been taken from [14]. In the next section rules of determining attribute information by ESM sensor equipped with the data base of radar emitters are presented. The emitter DB has a lot of records for any class of emitter. Signal parameters vector recognition is based on finding the nearest center of emitter parameters cluster. The basic belief assignment (bba) of different attribute identification values for ESM sensor has been defined. Each sensor report sent to the fusion information center contains a vector of belief mass of attribute identification. Results of the PCR#5 sensor information combining method are presented in the final part of the paper. At the end of the paper conclusions are given. They confirm the legitimacy of the use of the Dezert-Smarandache theory into information fusion for primary radars, secondary radars and ESM sensors.

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