
The Q band of photosynthetic thermoluminescence, measured in the presence of a herbicide that blocks electron transfer from PSII, is associated with recombination of the S 2 Q A - charge pair. The same charge recombination reaction can be monitored with chlorophyll fluorescence. It has been shown that the recombination occurs via three competing routes of which one produces luminescence. In the present study, we measured the thermoluminescence Q band and the decay of chlorophyll fluorescence yield after a single turnover flash at different temperatures from spinach thylakoids. The data were analyzed using the commonly used Arrhenius theory, the Eyring rate theory and the Marcus theory of electron transfer. The fitting error was minimized for both thermoluminescence and fluorescence by adjusting the global, phenomenological constants obtained when the reaction rate theories were applied to the multi-step recombination reaction. For chlorophyll fluorescence, all three theories give decent fits. The peak position of the thermoluminescence Q band is correct by all theories but the form of the Q band is somewhat different in curves predicted by the three theories. The Eyring and Marcus theories give good fits for the decreasing part of the thermoluminescence curve and Marcus theory gives the closest fit for the rising part.

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