
With the long history of scientific forest management based on the Burmese customs of timber extraction, forest policies and its development supported the economy of country and livelihoods of the people until the 21th century. Forests provide not only tangible benefits such as timbers, foods, fodder and shelters for the people and biodiversity but also intangible benefits such as water storage, soil formation, air purification, etc. Using the forests in sustainable manner is particularly contributes well life support system to all living things. Forest policy formulation and legislation in one country tell how people behave on their own scarce resources in order to achieve from their minimum subsistence economy to the goal of national economy as well. Good governance to forest policy and laws always reflect to sound forest management system and that leads to sustainability of forests and well beings of the people in the country. Due to growing population and changing conditions of natural forest ecosystems, every country in the world emphasizes on land use policies and tries to reform to adapt with varying attributes of forests and other political sectors. Security of forest Land tenure system is one of the most important issues and its changes has dynamic effects on people in the country. This paper tries to find out briefly on how forest policy affected to the people and sustainability of forests from 17th century to 21th century in Myanmar. Although country’s economy mostly depended on the raw timber production throughout the several decades, forest policy, land tenure patterns and its reform are still needed to reflect the real changing conditions of environment.

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