
Analysis of forensic samples to evaluate the rate of success for molecular markers: autosomal STRs, Y chromosome, and mitochondrial DNA. Since 2006 to date a total of 390 forensic samples were analyzed: bones, teeth, hairs, swabs, stains and paraffin embedded tissue. Bones and teeth, were pulverized in a Freezer Mill, extracted by chloroform/phenol/isoamyl alcohol method, and then purified with Centricon 100 columns. DNA from paraffin was extracted with QIAmp DNA Mini kit (QIAGEN). Mitochondrial DNA Control Region sequences were determined for regions HV1/HV2. Sequencing was performed using the BigDye ® Terminator v 1.1 Kit and analyzed in ABIPRISM ® 3100 Genetic Analyzer (AB). STRs were amplified using Amp FlSTR Identifiler ®, Minifiler ® and YFiler ® Kit (AB) and analyzed in ABI PRISM ® 3100 Genetic Analyzer and ABI PRISM ® 3130xl Genetic Analyzer (AB). Among forensic samples, bones and teeth analyzed for autosomal STRs, we obtained successful results in all of them. Incomplete typing are represented by loci of higher molecular weight, which demonstrates the poor quality of the sample due to its state of degradation and obtained better results using mini STRs. Successful results in sequencing for mitochondrial HV1 region for all samples analyzed, but in few hair samples we obtained mixed sequences and that represented important difficulties for the analysis. Age of samples and conservation are factors related which affect DNA viability. Autosomal STRs solved all the samples analyzed in our study, but Y chromosome analysis and mitochondrial DNA sequencing are also important and necessary markers in some forensic cases.

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