
Accurate analysis of reagent and reaction products during flue gas sulfur dioxide (SO2) removal by wet-limestone scrubbing provides important information on system efficiency and operating conditions. Major process constituents that must be determined are calcium carbonate (CaCO3), coprecipitate hemihydrate [(CaSO3·CaSO4)·½H2O], and gypsum (CaSO4·2H2O). Analysis procedures using existing equipment and instrumentation proved too lengthy and inaccurate. A microcomputer-controlled thermogravimetric analysis system was chosen to improve the analysis procedure and results. The analysis procedure consists of heating a dry sample at a constant rate to 950°C in the analyzer. Each of the three major constituents is distinctly identified, and interferences are minimal. A standard software program determines the weight loss of each transition, and a stoichiometric weight calculation is performed to determine the amount of each constituent. Thermogravimetry (TG) is also useful in the analysis of limestone (CaCO3). Comparisons of TG results with independent laboratory results show excellent agreement. Sample preparation and analysis times have been reduced to half that needed by other methods.

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