
Impact of Lorentz forces on CuO–water nanofluid flow in a permeable enclosure is presented by means of CVFEM. Darcy’s law is applied for porous media. In order to predict properties of nanofluid, KKL model has been utilized. Important parameters are inclination angle (ξ=0∘ to 90°), CuO–water volume fraction (ϕ=0 and 0.04), Hartmann (Ha=0 to 20) and Rayleigh (Ra=102,250 and 103) numbers for porous medium. A formula for Nuave is provided. Results demonstrated that Nusselt number detracts with enhancement of ξ,Ha. Heat transfer augmentation detracts with rise of buoyancy forces but it enhances with rise of inclination angle and Hartmann number.

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