
Fiscal reconciliation is carried out so that the company's commercial financial statements are in accordance with tax provisions, so that they can be accepted as tax financial reports. Fiscal reconciliation of commercial financial statements is an effort to overcome differences in determining the amount of corporate income tax according to commercial profit and taxable profit, which makes it difficult for companies to determine the amount of tax payable when filing an annual tax return. Commercial and fiscal financial reports require adjustments because of differences. The differences include differences in the recognition of costs and depreciation of fixed assets. The company's financial statements are prepared in accordance with the Financial Accounting Standards (SAK), while to fulfill its tax obligations, companies must make fiscal corrections on financial reports in accordance with tax laws. The purpose of this research is to determine the value of the Income Tax of the PT. Indomix Perkasa, by reconciling commercial financial reports into fiscal reports. The author analyzes the data with a descriptive method, namely by describing the state of the financial statements of profit and loss on the phenomena that occur by collecting data, calculating income tax, making fiscal corrections in accordance with Law Number 36 Year 2008. The type of data used is secondary data. The method of analysis used in this research is descriptive exploratory. This research method uses a case study by describing the actual object of research. The results showed that there was a difference between profit according to accounting and income tax purposes. The results of the study conclude that there is a difference between profit and loss according to commercial and profit and loss according to fiscal. This difference occurs because a fiscal correction is made to costs and income in the commercial profit / loss financial statement based on the taxation law.

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