
The research aims to analyze financial ratios to assess the financial performance of local governments in Kediri City and Trenggalek Regency in 2019-2021. Research results 1) The independence ratio of the Kediri City Government in 2019-2020 shows a low independence ratio with a percentage of 26% and 27%, while for 2021 the independence criteria shows medium with a percentage value of 42%. The results with the Trenggalek Regency Government from 2019-2021 show a very low independence ratio. The effectiveness ratio in the city of Kediri in 2019-2021 shows the same result, which is very effective. The percentage results in 2019-2020 have the same value, which is 17%, while in 2021 it has a percentage of 15%. 2) The effectiveness ratio in the Kediri City Government in 2019-2021 has a percentage value greater than 100% so that it can be interpreted that the effectiveness ratio in this government is very effective. in 2019 it has a percentage of 107%, in 2020 it has a percentage of 110% and in 2021 it has a percentage of 168%. The results of the Trenggalek Regency Government in 2019 and 2021 have percentages of less than 100%, namely 95% and 91%, which means they are quite effective, while in 2020 they have a percentage of 101%, which means they are very effective. 3) The Efficiency Ratio in the City Government of Kediri in 2019 has a percentage of 94% which means efficient, in 2020 it has a percentage of 94% which means efficient and in 2021 it has a percentage of 89% which means efficient.

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