
Background: Pulmonary TB patients in Indonesia increase from 1997 to 2014. In 2013 cases of pulmonary TB in children and toddlers have started to be detected in children with age group < 1 year as much as ‰, children with age group 1-4 years as many as 4‰ and children with 5-14 years age group as much as 0.3‰. Purpose: This study aimed to determine the factors that associated with the incidence of pulmonary tuberculosis in Sibuhuan Hospital. Methods: This research used crossectional design and conducted in RSUD Sibuhuan Padang Lawas. The population in this study was all children aged 0-5 years who came treated to lung clinic Sibuhuan RSUD as many as 55 children. Analysis of this study was using chi-square test and measured Pravelence Ratio (PR) to analyze factors related to childhood tuberculosis incident. Results: Children with pulmonary tuberculosis occurred in respondents with male gender as many as 33 children (60%), normal nutritional status as many as 35 children (63,60%), low socioeconomic counted 32 children (58,2%), not getting BCG immunization as many as 32 people (58,2%). There was association between nutritional status (PR = 3,31; 95% CI =1,83 < PR < 5,98), sosioeconomic (PR= 5,51; 95% CI =1,88< PR< 16,182), and BCG immunization (PR = 2,59; CI = 1,15 < PR < 5,33) with incidence of childhood tuberculosis in RSUD Sibuhuan. Conclusion: There was significant between nutritional status, socioeconomic and BCG immunization with incidence of childhood tuberculosis in RSUD Sibuhuan.

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