
Bottled Drinking Water is water that is treated using certain technologies, then packaged in various forms. The factors that influence the competition in the sale of bottled water include Branding, Packaging, Quality, Sales, Promotion, Competition, Brand, Price, Product Quality, Marketing. From this, there needs to be an analysis to determine the competition in selling bottled water between local and national products. Therefore, research will be conducted using the factor analysis method, factor analysis aims to identify the relationship between variables so that it can be classified into several sets of variables that are less than the number of initial variables. From the ten variables can be reduced to less after a factor analysis then of the ten variables into two factors, from each factor is given a group or name where the first factor is an influence factor and the second factor is an item factor. From each local product and national product have two factors, but of the two added together to produce diversity values, local products are able to provide a cumulative diversity value of 59.474%. While the National Product is able to provide a cumulative diversity value of 62.059%. This research contributed to the decision making regarding the factors that influence the competition in the sale of bottled water. This study provides recommendations to bottled water companies to give more attention to the factors that influence the success of bottled water sales.

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