
Objective - Explore the data and information on External Environmental Forces and Company Resources on Strategic Orientation, Absorptive Capability, Value Creation and their implication on Business Performance of courier service industry in Indonesia. Methodology/Technique - The nature of this research is descriptive and verification. The unit of analysis is the courier service industry, and a sample of 72 courier companies from various regions in Indonesia. The time horizon is cross-sectional, where the research is done at a certain time. Primary data is collected by a questionnaire and interviews with management of the companies and stakeholders. The analysis is done by using the model verification Partial Least Square (PLS). Findings - Company Resources have the positive impact on Absorptive Capability to increase Value Creation and Business Performance.However, the magnitude of the influence is faced with the problems of in optimal development of Company Resources on the aspects of tangible and intangible assets. The condition makes companies could not optimize in Absorptive Capability as well as Value Creation to improve Business Performance. Novelty - It was very few articles discussing the comparison of the psychological determinants of online self-disclosure and privacy issues between Polish and Indonesian. Type of Paper - Empirical Keywords : Absorptive Capability, Business Performance, Company Resources,External Environmental Forces, Strategic Orientation, Value Creation.

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