
The technical condition of transport facilities is a critical factor for ensuring the safety, efficiency and reliability of the transport infrastructure. Operating conditions can significantly affect the technical condition of buildings, especially in conditions characterized by high humidity, extreme temperatures or chemical pollution. This is especially true for structures that are exposed to natural factors such as sea water, aggressive environments or severe frosts. The article analyzes various methods of assessing the technical condition, which are used to detect defects and search for signs of damage to transport facilities. Traditional methods such as visual inspection and non-destructive evaluation are considered, as well as newer approaches including the use of remote sensing technologies, sensor monitoring and machine learning data analysis. The main purpose of the article is to identify the advantages and disadvantages of various assessment methods, as well as to determine the most effective approaches to assessing the technical condition of transport facilities in conditions that correspond to the specifics of the transport infrastructure. The obtained results can be useful for specialists in the field of transport engineering, who are engaged in the operation of transport infrastructure and road safety. Taking into account the technical condition of the facilities, it is possible to make informed decisions regarding repair work, planning regular maintenance and establishing preventive measures aimed at maintaining the safety and reliability of transport facilities.

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