
The growth in broiler chicken population is consistent with rising public demand for chicken and Bali's growing economy in the new normal period of Covid-19. The entrepreneurial spirit is critical to the advancement of the broiler industry. The purpose of this study is to examine: 1) the level of entrepreneurial spirit of farmers, 2) which indicators of entrepreneurial spirit and farmer characteristics have the most dominant influence on the success of broiler business, and 3) the influence of entrepreneurial spirit and farmer characteristics on the success of broiler business in Gianyar Regency, Bali Province. The study used a purposive sampling strategy, with simple random sampling on 40 farmers utilizing a standardized questionnaire to collect primary research data. Partial Least Squares was used to examine the data (PLS). The findings revealed that the majority of respondents had a strong entrepreneurial spirit. Breeders' entrepreneurial spirit is influenced by self-confidence, initiative, a desire for success, a leadership spirit, and likes, with liking challenges being the strongest indicator of this characteristic. While age, education, skills, quantity of chickens owned, and knowledge all impact the individual features of breeders. The most important reflecting indicator is the number of chickens owned.

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