
Shipping containers are known as a crucial equipment for global trade. Most of their lifespan containers are spending empty, being in process of repositioning or sitting in a yard. Increasing trade imbalances globally set up empty container logistics as one of the main concerns in container shipping industry. In line with that issue, this paper will analyse the roots of empty container imbalance and port congestion, emphasizing the importance of proper empty container management and challanges which appear along the way. Results of the research show that there is room for improvement while dealing with management of empty containers which primarly implies a cognition of the imbalance problem and long-term predictions as well as mutual cooperation of all parties involved. Furthermore, new solutions and higher level of digitalization will be required to succesully and efficiently handle today’s challanging situations. Reducing empty container transport to a minimum is the key point, where foldable containers and container interchange between carriers can greatly contribute. Efficiency of empty container management must be reflected in increased environmental sustainability throughout the shipping process.

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