
Occupational health and safety (K3) has a very important aspect of the effectiveness and smoothness of a company's production system. In this study, the authors aim to analyze the level of awareness of employees on the importance of occupational health and safety at PT Karya Tanah Subur (KTS). The approach used is a descriptive approach method, namely by means of interviews, direct observation, and also a review of literature. This aims to determine the level of awareness of employees working at PT. KTS against K3 that will occur. The results of the analysis obtained, the authors state that the employees at PT. KTS is aware of occupational health and safety PT KTS. This can be proven from company data, namely the number of work accident rates in the company's production process is very small. In addition, the level of compliance of employees of PT. KTS towards implementing occupational health and safety programs can be implemented properly.

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