
A landslide disaster was a hydro meteorological disaster that occurred in Pesawaran District, Lampung Province. The purpose of this study was to analyze the level of vulnerability of landslides in Pesawaran District. The method used is descriptive method using the variable (parameter) Grade slope, rainfall, geology and land use. The analysis was done by overlaying using ARCGIS from 4 variables which then obtained land units and land units then weighed to get the level of landslide vulnerability with three class. The results showed that areas with low vulnerability were 13,963 ha (4.89%), moderate vulnerability was 175,297 ha (61.39%) and high vulnerability areas were 96,286 ha (33.72%). The dominant variable causing landslides is rainfall, slope and land use. Landslide mitigation that can be done is by providing information to the people living in Pesawaran District about which areas are high, medium, and low in the danger of landslides. Increasing public awareness about the dangers of landslides in their area, preparedness faces landslides with regard to conditions when high intensity rain falls, for people who live in steep slopes and are very steep, be careful and always alert to the danger of landslides. Increased public awareness to use dryland agricultural land to be used in accordance with its designation, do not plant crops that can actually cause a greater risk.

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