
ANALYSIS OF ELDERLY WOMEN’S NEEDS IN SLUM AREA OF MEDAN CITY 1 Asfriyati, 2 Lita Sri Andayani 1 Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Sumatera Utara,, 20155, Indonesia, asfriyati@gmail.com 2 Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Sumatera Utara,, 20155, Indonesia  Abstract Life expectancy of women is higher compared to men, this affects the number of elderly women more than men. However, if the number of elderly women are not qualified, it will be the burden for development. In order to maximize the role of service to elderly, it is needed to know first the needs of elderly women, in this case, the focus is in the slum region. The method used in this research is a quantitative approach. The population is elderly women in slum area. The study design uses quantitative approach. This research is located in the village of Bagan Deli district of Medan Belawan. Data collections are primary data and secondary data. To analyze problems, the model proposed is Structural Equation Model. Characteristics of elderly women aged 60-74 years at 79.6%, with the most complete primary school education amounted to 93.8%. Based on the Malay, the rate of elderly woman is 61.9%, and the rate of widow is 61.9%. Based on living alone, the rate is 46.0% and the average rate of unemployed elderly women is 68,1%. Majority of elderly women’s income are helped by the families (children / grandchildren) is 69.9% and according to the health status, majority of elderly women suffer from complaints such as arthritis, headaches, diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, gout and others are 75.2%. The needs of the elderly woman in the slum area to update the information on the social activities is the most significant, basic needs for elderly women in slum area is the pension which is the most significant indicators of basic needs. The health needs that sense of comfort / tranquility which is the most significant indicator of health needs. The needs of the elderly women's work skills which are the most significant indicator of job requirements and the needs of elderly women for infrastructure and recreation facilities which are an indicator of facilities and infrastructure needs are the most significant. It is hoped that relevant parties can plan to meet the needs of elderly women in slum area to provide services according to the expected demand. Keywords: Elderly Women’s Need, Slum Area  Biography Nasution, Asfriyati Lecturer, Faculty of Public Health, University of Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia Since joining the University of Sumatera Utara, Asfriyati has been involved related to population . Since 1994 worked as a lecturer of Faculty of Public Health. In 2015 Asfriyati graduate the doctoral program at University of North Sumatera.  Contact Information : Faculty of Public Health, University of Sumatera Utara Medan, Indonesia +628 1397961970 Email : asfriyati@gmail.com  Â

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