
Environmental Education must be promoted in an interdisciplinary and transversal manner which, when made possible through Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), also provides students with critical thinking and encouragement in the search for solutions to problems in the environment in which they are inserted. In this sense, the present study consists of carrying out a survey and analysis of the actions of educational robotics in promoting environmental education. Based on works published between 2010 and 2020, all actions that in some way collaborated with the promotion of interdisciplinarity and environmental awareness were identified, synthesizing positive actions to disseminate them and proposing possible alternatives to adverse actions. The results demonstrate that the use of educational robotics in promoting environmental education represents the advancement of formal education, in addition to providing students with critical thoughts and behaving consciously about environmental and social issues, among others. Furthermore, it aims to get closer to the transversal and interdisciplinary teaching proposed by the National Environmental Education Policy.

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