
Objective. The aim of the paper is the analysis of peer-to-peer network functioning quality in various load modes. Methods. A calculation of the selected quality index for various intensities of the occurrence of peers in the network based on the mathematical model of the network state and the solution of the integro-differential equation of dynamics is performed. Results. The analysis of the developed model has shown that in stationary operation conditions the quality as the relative value of upload and download speeds to the number of active peers in the network increases as the total amount of content offers increases. In conditions of non-stationarity, during periods of mass connection of new peers, the quality of the network may drop. Providers should encourage the altruistic strategy of peers. Conclusions. Analytical dependence of the peer-to-peer P2P network quality of broadcasting live streaming video on the components of this network has been obtained. Peer-to-peer P2P Internet networks provide a very popular service for the real time TV content delivery. Users of the P2P network in order to improve the quality of use should not immediately leave the network, which enables other peers to download the necessary fragments.

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