
Concept of Altitude adaptive rocket nozzles recentl y received greater importance and interest in the sexplorations and other such applications in space and rocket technology. The op erations reliability of rocket launcher and the ear th to orbit rocket launch are the crucial for the space transportation in the future. The performance of the engine components such as t he power plant and the thrust delivery of the engine such as nozzles are in renov ation for the greater performance and applicability for complex space applications. In the recent progress of the combustion expansion system the rocket nozzles are greatly revised from both application and design perspectives. One of such development is the dual b ell nozzle. The publications indicate that the rese arch on the concept of dual bell nozzle is tardy and there is no much progress from the inception of the idea. The specific application purpose designs are tested experimentally and implemented but the large scale development can only be possible if the generalized design parameters can be suggested. In the present paper one of such nozzle is selected and studied using computational fluid d ynamics (CFD) and the results are synthesized for bench marking the general appro ach to study the Dual Bell nozzles. The result shows the variation in the Mach number, pressure, temperature distribution and turbulence i ntensity.

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