
A study to assess the direct and indirect drivers and agents of deforestation and forest degradation was carried out in Masito forests in Kigoma Region. Several methodologies were deployed including review of key literature, focused group discussions, household level interviews and review of ?smart phones? database of disturbance incidences in the forests. Results revealed that despite forest protection measures taken by the government and other actors for purposes of REDD+ carbon trade, deforestation and forest degradation are problems that are being experienced in the study area. Evidence of deforestation and degradation were provided through change detection data, forest disturbance incidences and community perception on the drivers of deforestation and degradation. The main drivers of deforestation and degradation were characterized to fall into direct drivers and indirect drivers. The demand for land and forests resources was responsible for a number of direct drivers. Indirect drivers were perceived to entail underlying causes of deforestation and degradation forming a complex interaction of socio-economic, political, cultural and technological variables that cause deforestation and degradation. Characterization of the main agents of deforestation and degradation revealed that human actors in various capacities and functions have served as agents. The assessment of leakage risks revealed that the risk of shifting destructive activities to non-REDD+ project villages was mitigated. In order to address the drivers and sustaining the REDD+, the study recommends the need to address forest tenure; provision of alternatives to the agents of deforestation and degradation, extension support to non-REDD+ villages for capacity building in forest protection; and ensuring that the process of REDD+ piloting is finalized to the level that communities finally sell carbon to get tangible benefits.

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