
The DNAs from two virilis group species of Drosophila, D. lummei and D. kanekoi, have been analyzed. D. lummei DNA has a major satellite which, on the basis of CsCl equilibrium centrifugation, thermal denaturation, renaturation and in situ hybridization is identical to D. virilis satellite I. D. kanekoi DNA has a major satellite at the same buoyant density in neutral CsCl gradients as satellite III of D. virilis. However, on the basis of alkaline CsCl gradients, the satellite contains a major and a minor component, neither one of which is identical to D. virilis satellite III. By in situ hybridization experiments, sequences complementary to the major component of the D. kanekoi satellite are detected in only some species and in a way not consistent with the phylogeny of the group. However, by filter hybridization experiments using nick-translated D. kanekoi satellite as well as D. lummei satellite I and D. virilis satellite III DNAs as probes, homologous sequences are detected in the DNAs of all virilis group species. Surprisingly, sequences homologous to these satellite DNAs are detected in DNAs from non-virilis group Drosophila species as well as from yeast, sea urchin, Xenopus and mouse.

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