
Purpose. To estimate a correlation between SSR-markers and morphological features by genetic distances on the basis of polymorphism of potato varieties.Methods. PCR analysis, cluster and correlation-regression analysis.Results. The results of analysis of potatoes varieties polymorphism based on molecular genetic and morphological marker features are presented. Varieties polymorphism was assessed on four microsatellite markers: STM0019, STM3009, STM3012, STM5136 and 42 morphological markers. According to the results of PCR analysis, it was determined that the frequency of identified alleles ranged from 0.021 to 0.33, the index of polymorphism on the average for studied markers was 0.76. Using cluster analysis, the genetic distances between varieties based on SSR and morphological markers were determined, and similar varieties and varieties that differ among themselves were identified. According to the obtained distribution, the correlation between the genetic distances by Mantel test are estimated, namely, a regression, in which the variables are similarity matrices, summing the pairwise similar values between the sampling points was defined. As a result of the estimation of genetic distances between the investigated genotypes of potatoes, it was revealed that the varieties ‘Skarbnytsia’ and ‘Yavir’ were the most similar by markers STM0019, STM3009, STM3012, STM5136. The distance between these varieties was 2.45, while the greatest distance – 3.74 was found among the varieties ‘Levada’ and ‘Dovira’, ‘Fantaziia’ and ‘Dovira’. According to marker morphological signs, the least value of genetic distances was 8.9 for varieties ‘Slovianka’ and ‘Poliske Dzherelo’, the most distant ones were ‘Okolytsia’ and ‘Dovira’, with values of 18.2. It was revealed that the potato variety ‘Dovira’ with the value of genetic distances of 18.2 and 3.74 for morphological and SSR markers respectively was the most distant from other investigated genotypes. The correlations were not found by Mantel test as a result of the analysis of genetic distances based on SSR-markers and morphological signs.Conclusions. The use of a complex of studies containing a description of morphological features and microsatellite markers is promising for identifying potato varieties, creating collections of well-known varieties and determining their differences.

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