
Objective. To analyze and explore the disease diagnostic code for different parts of upper gastrointestinal bleeding. Methods. Utilizing ‘international statistical classification ICD-10 of diseases and related health problems’ to analyze 101 medical records of the cases diagnosed of upper gastrointestinal bleeding from July 1 2011 to June 31 2012 in a third-grade hospital from the choice of the leading words to disease diagnosis coding. Results. Of the 101 copies of medical records coded of K92.2, 92 copies of gastroscopy accounted for 91.09% of all cases diagnosed with upper gastrointestinal bleeding by doctors. By rereading the 92 copies of medical records of the cases who underwent gastroscopy, 23 cases of gastric ulcer bleeding and gastric mucosal lesions bleeding accounting for 25%, 2 cases of duodenal ulcer bleeding accounting for 2.17%, and 67 cases of esophageal variceal bleeding and esophageal mucosal laceration accounting for 72.83% were found. Conclusion. Coders should not only master the coding knowledge, but also read the medical records carefully, learn the related medical knowledge and code accurately in their daily work to serve medical treatment, teaching and research better.

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