
As it is known that the city government of Palembang has implemented e-government, but how much e-government can help the Palembang city government to interact between the government and all levels of society including the poor in Palembang city. In its application, the condition of e-government services is still insufficient for the infrastructure to support e-government services for the poor in Palembang city. To design e-government services such as good digital population services, it is necessary to design IS / IT services for people in Palembang City with the Service Design stage in the 2011 Version of the Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) Framework so that they can be accepted by all levels of society including the poor in Palembang city. This study uses a qualitative approach. The results of this research are in the form of a digital population service information system design such as administrative and population services, Family Hope Program (PKH) services and digital archive storage services based on the Service Design stages in ITIL Version 2011 that have been carried out, namely the Service Catalog Management process and Service Level Management in the form of documents. Service Level Requirements, Service Level Agreement and Operational Level Agreement.

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