
Current trends in the world economic system require developing new effi cient measures of support for agricultural industry based on the modern methods of production technologization. This is also indicated by the priorities established within the Russian Federation Food Security Doctrine, which presuppose formation of high-performance industries in the agricultural sectors. Thus, current economic conditions and scientifi c and technological development trends determine the causes and form the prerequisites for active development of the UAV market and expansion of the range of their use in various sectors of economy including agriculture. In this context, the author analysed development factors of the UAV market and evaluated the degree of impact of these factors. The hypothesis has been set up that current economic conditions and scientifi c and technological development trends determine the causes and form the prerequisites for active development of the UAV and innovative technologies market and expansion of the range of their use in various sectors of economy including agriculture. The empirical basis of the study includes expert assessments, regulatory legal acts in the sphere of development of agricultural UAV market as well as offi cial data from statistics agencies. Matrix factor analysis and ranking of expert assessments have been applied as the basic method. The author gives a ranked quantitative assessment of the factor impact on the UAV market including ranking of expert assessments. The author carries out detailed elaboration of expert assessments and on this basis identifi es major problems arising under the infl uence of heterogeneous factors of mega-, macro-, meso- and microenvironment on the UAV market. Thus, at the macrolevel signifi cant factors include climate change, rise in natural disasters, and need for satisfying the increasing demand on food products. Considering the factors revealed it is essential to establish strategic priorities for the development of the country’s agriculture.

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