
This research aims to describe the form of word class and analyze the denotative and connotative meanings that can be found in the lyrics of Keshi’s album entitled Bandaids released in 2020. This research is categorized as qualitative descriptive research, since the data are in the forms of words and phrases also the result are in the form of text and explanations. There are 5 songs taken from Bandaids album by Keshi. The data are collected using Observation method (Metode Simak) by Sudaryanto. The researcher also uses Sudaryanto's Identify Method (Metode Padan) as the method analysis. Then, the researcher uses semantic study as the approach in this research. The result of the research shows that there are 46 words and phrases containing denotative and connotative meanings in the song lyrics. The form of word class found in the songs lyric are noun, verb, adjective, adverb, noun phrase, and verb phrase. The words are dominated by noun. The connotation found in the song lyrics is important in understanding the messages of the lyrics. It conveys the lyricist feelings and emotions toward his relationship with someone. The lyricist depicts the bitter sweetness of the relationship and the way of self-healing through the song lyrics.

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