
The purpose of this study was to describe David Kolb's learning style according to the mathematical representation of students. This research is qualitative. The subjects of this study were students of class VIII SMP Agus Salim Semarang. The data were obtained by using the test method of the mathematical representation ability instrument, questionnaire of KLSI (Kolb Learning Style Inventory), interviews, and documentation. The results of this study are: (1). Students with High Mathematical Representation Ability tend to have an assimilator type of learning style, (2). Students with Medium Mathematical Representation Ability tend to have a converger learning style type, and (3). Students with Low Mathematical Representation Ability tend to have a divergent learning style. Teachers are suggested to identify students’ learning styles to be the best teachers for students. It is also recommended to collect mathematical representation-based problems to improve students' mathematical representation skills.
 Keywords: David Kolb, Mathematics Representation, Assimilator, Converger, Diverger


  • The purpose of this study was to describe David Kolb's learning style according to the mathematical representation of students

  • The data were obtained by using the test method of the mathematical representation ability instrument, questionnaire of KLSI (Kolb Learning Style Inventory), interviews, and documentation

  • 404 | Umi Hajaro, Akhmad Nayazik, Ratih Kusumawati - Analysis of David Kolb's Learning Style According to Mathematical

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Data yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini berupa skor penilaian hasil jawaban siswa terhadap kemampuan representasi matematis, sehingga diperlukan pedoman dalam menentukan skor dari setiap jawaban siswa tersebut. Pedoman penskoran tersebut digunakan untuk mengukur kempuan representasi matematis siswa. Pedoman penskoran dalam penelitian ini disajikan pada Tabel 2. Angket yang digunakan pada penelitian ini yaitu berupa lembar angket KLSI (Kolb Learning Style Inventory) yang diadaptasi dari Melinda &. Angket ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh data gaya belajar siswa. Cara penghitungan yang digunakan pada angket ini ialah dengan menghitung jumlah pernyataan dari siswa yang menjawab ya dari keseluruhan pernyataan angket KLSI (Kolb Learning Style Inventory). Dengan demikian dapat diambil kesimpulan bagaimana Analisis Gaya Belajar David Kolb menurut Kemampuan Representasi Matematis. HASIL DAN PEMBAHASAN Data hasil penelitian tes kemampuan representasi matematis siswa secara keseluruhan disajikan dalam Tabel 4 dan Tabel 5

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