
In the contemporary landscape of digital transformation, the concept of a "smart region" emerges as a key strategy for regional development, utilizing data integration technologies to enhance the quality of life, optimize service delivery, and promote sustainable growth. The designation of the "Centre of Europe" as a smart region is justified by its strategic geographical location, encompassing Transcarpathia and adjacent areas of neighboring countries, coupled with a relatively low population density. This unique context creates compelling premises for rethinking traditional urban frameworks of smart cities on a broader scale, transforming them into a comprehensive smart region model tailored to the specific needs and opportunities of Central Europe. The rationale for implementing the "Centre of Europe" as a smart region stems from its advantageous position at the heart of the continent, which generates unprecedented opportunities for cross-border collaboration, innovation, and connectivity. The low population density of the region further highlights the potential for the adoption of advanced technological solutions capable of addressing a wide array of challenges and needs. By achieving the status of a smart region, the "Centre of Europe" aspires to become a leading example of how digital and technological innovations can be utilized to create an inclusive, efficient, and progressive regional ecosystem. Objective: The primary objective of this research is to conduct a comparative analysis of advanced data organization system architectures and their role in facilitating the transformation of the "Centre of Europe" into an intelligent European region. It also aims to explore the capabilities of utilizing data lakes for the effective management of large data sets and regional development, taking into account the unique geographical and demographic characteristics of the region. The subject of the study encompasses the architectures of big data organization systems in the smart region of the "Centre of Europe". The object of the study involves the processes of storing and processing large data within the smart region. Main characteristics: This article illuminates the main aspects of implementing big data processing technologies in the smart region of the "Centre of Europe", necessitating scalable and flexible solutions for large data storage, the use of efficient data management practices, and the integration of advanced technologies such as cloud computing, the Internet of Things (IoT), and artificial intelligence (AI) to enhance data processing and analytical capabilities. Furthermore, recommendations for regional authorities on adopting these technologies have been formulated, highlighting the importance of collaboration, support for investments in the region's digital infrastructure as key components for achieving the smart region vision. The construction of modern, high-tech data storage facilities using the Data Lake architecture enables the simultaneous use and processing of large volumes of data from various fields and sources. The authors have proposed conceptual models for forming data complexes from different functional areas of the smart region.

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