
The article analyzes the data of pure and mixed gravity anomalies on the territory of the Novosibirsk region, obtained from the results of the space gravimetric missions GRACE, GOCE. Gravimetric and geodetic measurements carried out in the study area made it possible to obtain mixed and simulate pure gravity anomalies. The information obtained was the starting point for the analysis of gravity anomalies calculated from the coefficients of the global geopotential models XGM2019e_2159, GOCO01S. The results of the study led to the conclusion that when calculating mixed gravity anomalies according to the combined geopotential model XGM2019e_2159 and pure gravity anomalies according to the GOCO01S satellite model data, equal root-mean-square errors were obtained (for mixed anomalies - 3.45 mGal, for pure - 3.44 mGal). Therefore, modern combined global gravity field models can be used to obtain pure anomalies on the earth's surface.

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